I’m sure my little brother will be able to take care of himself. 我們要促使這一天的來臨。 You will be able to advise us . 下面是一則CNN Breaking News -- Three climbers missing on Mount Hood, Oregon, have been located and will be able to assist in their own rescue, rescue command officer Russell Gubele tells CNN 很好奇 will be able to assist的中文翻譯,先感謝您的回答。 只要你 有 勇氣,你就能 做 這件事。 He should be able to read this without the aid of a dictionary. 他不久就能處理日常事務。 If we budget carefully , we will be able to afford a new car . D   4. 英文 发音:[bi ˈeɪbl tu]. 或of doing sth., 而不能跟to do sth. We were able to look round comfortably .我们可以自由自在地四处观光。 2. B   7. be able to. 2つ目の違いは、人が主語の英文では「be able to」と「can」のどちらでも使えるけれど、モノが主語の英文では「can」を使うことです。 My wife can(is able to)drink three bottles of wine. (到了年底,他將會說一口真的很好的英文) My six-year-old son has been able to read for two years. be able to 這個字的意思是(能夠)的意思 就等同於can . 因助動詞,和助動詞不可一起用,所以助動詞後面的 "可以" 一定要用 be able to. We will be able to speed up that day . • Be able to: 動詞片語之一,其中的able表示「有能力 / 資源 / 技能 / 時間 / 機會等,做某事」,to 後面需要接原形動詞 (V)。 例句:Will you be able to catch the flight on time? can 是助動詞 . 。這是各類標準考試所經常考核的一個內容。 談談 can 與 be able to 用法上的區別. can 和 be able to 的差別. 語中, can 與 be able to 在用法上既有相同的一方面, 又有不同的地方, 這是應該引起注意的。 當它們 表示能力的時候,是同義的。 如: He can speak two foreign languages.. 1. can 只有兩種時 … 公告:Jason瘋英文Youtube頻道每日更新,陣容越來越堅強了!歡迎同學們訂閱 (按我訂閱) 談談can與be able to 用法上的區別 語中, can 與be able We use can to: talk about possibility and ability ; make requests; ask for or give permission; Structure of can.

You will be able to do it according as you have the courage. X B   2. 英文 发音:[bi ˈeɪbl tu]. B   8. 例句: It must be better to be able to offer them love and security. C   6. 例如 : I will can skate in a month. 問:The human ribs are capable to move so as to allow room for the lungs to expand during breathing. 登入以對解答發表意見 發佈; 還有問題?馬上發問,尋求解答。 發 … B   10. 要是能给予他们关爱和安全感肯定会更好。 5 句英文厭世語錄,幽默負能量為你充電! 2020 年 07 月 22 日 「童工」的英文是?暑假到了也要意識到童工問題! 2020 年 07 月 22 日; 旅遊補助用起來!ig 曬照必備的文青度假金句 2020 年 07 月 20 日 「驅逐出境」的英文是?帶你讀 cnn 報導美國將驅逐國際學生! 要是能给予他们关爱和安全感肯定会更好。 3.       “What do you think of the news in today’s newspaper?”“It _______ be true.”Were you able to catch the first bus yesterday morning?10.   I __________ make a living in the USA because I’m not good in English.1. He is able to speak two foreign languages.. 它們用法上的不同主要體現在以下幾方面:. 中文 2113 释义:( 因具 有品质 5261 或技能)能做到… 的;(因有 4102 足够的自由、权力 、时 间 1653 、财力等而)可以…的,能够…的. be able to的造句和例句: 1. Can is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb. Would you be able to hear at such a distance ?你离得这样远听得见吗?内有更多更详细关于be able to的 … AIt could be our teacher who turned off the light last night.6.       He studied very hard last term, so he ______ get the first prize in the final examination.If you don’t spend enough time on your studies, you could fail in the final examination. "able to" 中文翻譯 : 力足以做; 能會 "is able to or not" 中文翻譯 : 會不會 "will be able to" 中文翻譯 : 能夠 B   2. 那既然等同於(can)為什麼還要有這個字? 因為can是助動詞 有些地方不能用助動詞的時候(例如句子中已經有助動詞的時候) be able to 就派上用場了. 3.       “What do you think of the news in today’s newspaper?”“It _______ be true.”Were you able to catch the first bus yesterday morning?10.   I __________ make a living in the USA because I’m not good in English.1. C   6. C   5. 中文 2113 释义:( 因具 有品质 5261 或技能)能做到… 的;(因有 4102 足够的自由、权力 、时 间 1653 、财力等而)可以…的,能够…的. D   4. 你一定能給我們出個主意。 He will be able to take up his normal routine shortly .