The new vessels have a hull similar to the Nimitz class carriers, but introduce technologies since developed such as the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, as well as other design features intended to improve efficiency and reduce operating c… The island is smaller and moved further towards the aft of the ship.CVN 78’s first steel was cut in August 2005. This report will impact all industries helping:The Gerald R Ford class will be armed with the Raytheon evolved Sea Sparrow missile (ESSM), which defends against high-speed, highly manoeuvrable anti-ship missiles. It also received a $3.35bn contract for the ship’s detailed design and construction in June 2015. The CVN 78 returned to Newport News for post-delivery works in July 2018.Newport News was awarded a $407m contract extension for the preparation work on the CVN 79 ship in March 2013 and a $1.29bn extension in March 2014.

Von gleich zu gleich, wenn man so will. Credit: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ruben Reed/Released.The manpower reduction was a key performance parameter added to the original four outlined in 2000 in the operational requirements document for the CVN 21 programme. In May 2011, the US Navy announced that the carrier would be called John F Kennedy.Newport News received a $15.2bn contract modification in January 2019 for the detail design and construction of CVN 80 and CVN 81. Andere Schiffe waren nur hilflose Beute. The USS Gerald R. Ford is a massive, gray-hulled city on the sea. Anstelle der altbekannten, mit Dampf betriebenen Katapulte werden elektromagnetische Rampen für den Start der Jets verwendet, die auch Drohnen und andere Flugkörper in die Luft bringen Von der Ford-Klasse sollen  täglich 25 Prozent mehr Einsätze als vom Vorgänger starten können. The vessel is scheduled to be commissioned in 2020, while further ships of the class will enter service at five-year intervals. The total acquisition cost of the CVN 21 is expected to be $13.7bn.The Gerald R Ford-class carriers have a full-load displacement of approximately 100,000t. Deck extensions also increase the aircraft parking areas. Damit transportiert die Gerald R. Ford mehr Kampfkraft, als sie die gesamte Luftwaffe vieler Mittelmächte insgesamt besitzen.

Die eigentliche Macht des Trägers liegt aber in den 90 Flugzeugen, die er transportieren kann. Vor Raketen, die lange Distanzen zurücklegen mussten, schützte die Träger bis in die 80er Jahre dann ihre Mobilität.

The lower decks incorporate a flexible rapidly reconfigurable layout enabling different layouts and installation of new equipment in command, planning and administration areas.HHI’s Newport News was awarded a $152m contract in May 2016 for advance planning engineering, design and procurement of long-lead-time material for the third ship of the class, USS Enterprise (CVN 80). Erwartet wird, dass die Gerald R. Ford als eines der ersten Schiffe überhaupt, Lasersysteme zur Abwehr bekommen wird. Die USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) ist ein Flugzeugträger der United States Navy. The electro-magnetic motor applies control to the synthetic arrestor cable to reduce the maximum tensions in the cable and reduce the peak load on the arrestor hook and the aircraft fuselage.The requirement for a higher sortie rate at 160 sorties a day with surges to a maximum of 220 sorties a day in times of crisis and intense air warfare activity led to design changes in the flight deck.CVN 21 design features an enhanced flight deck with increased sortie rates, a redesigned island and a new nuclear power plant.The aircraft carrier traditionally carries the flag officer and 70 staff of the carrier battle group. The AAG system also completed the first exploratory barricade arrestment test with an E-2C+ Hawkeye aircraft in March 2019.Newport News is using a suite of computer-aided design (CAD) tools for the CVN 21 programme, including a CATIA software suite for simulation of the production processes and a CAVE virtual environment package.The first steel was cut for the CVN 80 aircraft carrier in August 2017. Zwischen Abschuss und Einschlag verging so viel Zeit, dass der Träger schon meilenweit vom alten Standort entfernt war, bevor die Raketen einschlugen. A $5.1bn contract for the detailed design and construction was awarded to Newport News in September 2008. The keel was laid in November 2009.In October 2008, Raytheon was contracted to supply a version of the dual-band radar (DBR) developed for the Zumwalt Class destroyer for installation on the Gerald R Ford. The carrier will be capable of carrying up to 90 aircraft, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, F / A-18E / F Super Hornet, E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft, MH-60R / S helicopters, as well as unmanned air and combat vehicles. A total of ten Ford-class carriers are planned with construction continuing to 2058.If successful, EMALS technology offers the potential benefit of finer aircraft acceleration control, which leads to lower stress levels in the aircraft and pilots, provides a slower launch speed for unmanned air vehicles and allows a wider window of wind-over-deck speed required for the launch sequence.In January 2007, the US Navy announced that the new class would be called the Gerald R Ford-class.Since the 1960s, all US Navy aircraft carriers have been built at Northrop Grumman Newport News.