Out of necessity, these sites needed to be high quality and located on streams well removed from major anthropogenic pollution sources. It does not include $53 billion due to the multilateral development banks which are in the process of greatly scaling up their lending to emerging and developing countries to counteract the private sector sudden stop).The first step of our proposal is for the recipient country to set up a CCF with an MDB and agree to a list of eligible expenditures as well as a timeline for the later repayment of the frozen debt obligations. (We use 2018 as a proxy for 2020 data on roll overs). For instance, at the end of March, Panama managed to issue a $2.5 billion sovereign bond in the international debt market. The regional and income classification are those adopted by the World Bank (EAP: East Asia and Pacific; ECA: Emerging Europe; LAC: Latin America and the Caribbean; MNA: Middle East and North Africa; SAS: South Asia; SSA: Sub Saharan Africa; LIC: Low-income countries; LMIC: Lower-middle-income countries, UMIC: Upper-middle-income countries). 今回の改定は必要に迫られたものではない。 - Weblio Email例文集. これ以上待つ必要はない; Necessity is the mother of invention. The figure also shows that for middle income countries “business as usual” net-official inflows (which tend to be positive and hence have a negative value in our measure of shortfall) cannot be expected to compensate the expected sudden stop in bond and bank financing. At that point the affected creditor would simply acknowledge and agree that the crediting of the CCF in this manner constitutes a full discharge and release of the debtor’s obligation in respect of the debt obligation concerned.As there is some uncertainty on the share of external short-term debt owed by the public sector, Figure 2 provides a detailed breakdown concentrating on the long-term component of this potential public sector sudden stop. そんなに練習する必要があるとは思えない; There is no necessity for waiting any longer. For Latin America and the Caribbean about two-thirds of the sudden stop will be associated with short-term debt rollover needs. The winners will be those countries that already have enough borrowing capacity. By certifying that such an event has occurred and by acting accordingly, the G-20 would ensure that contract terms will be modified only when absolutely necessary and when the modifications are likely to support credit markets.This figure plots the potential public sector debt service needs across geographical regions, borrowing groups, and creditor groups. 例文帳に追加 . For its part, public international law recognizes, in a doctrine called “necessity”, that states may sometimes need to respond to such exceptional circumstances even at the cost of suspending normal performance of their contractual or treaty undertakings. What’s more, in contrast to the 2008 global financial crisis, every emerging and developing economy now confronts greater borrowing needs at exactly the same time. Bringing the total shortfall to $735 billion (for details, see Table 1 in the Appendix). make a virtue out of necessityとは。意味や和訳。せざるを得ないことから利益を引き出す - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 Short-term PPG credit is calculated by using the share of long-term PPG debt over total long-term debt. It assumes business as usual net flows from official creditors. Countries badly afflicted by this pandemic will need to deploy their available financial resources in immediate crisis amelioration measures. 例文帳に追加. Although they are not the most important creditors of IDA countries, they are crucial for middle income countries such as Mexico, where they account for the majority of sovereign debt.This figure plots the potential public sector sudden stop across geographical regions and borrowing groups. Once the facility is in place all the sovereign debtor would be required to do is notify its commercial and bilateral creditors that the payments due have been paid into the CCF and that the custodian of the CCF has been instructed to record an interest in the CCF in the name of the creditor.