If we were writing code, I assume the "target version" field would be used to determine which release version should include the issue at hand. Simply move them via drag & drop.

Administration > Workflow. Redmine vs YouTrack: What are the differences? Category - This always reflects the version of software or hardware where I found the issue. You can also set in what order they will appear in the tracker field. "Category" vs. "Target version" fields in issues. All operations on the Tracker resource are provided by it’s manager.

Active 4 years ago. It's very easy to use although it is a little complex for new guys to set it up. It includes a calendar and Gantt charts to aid visual representation of projects and their deadlines.

Every issue is bound to a specific tracker. RE: Tracker vs. Category - Added by Jack Christensen over 11 years ago Thanks. I have everyone included on the RedMine watchers list for all … What you said made more sense once I started using custom work flows for different trackers. Fill in the name, default status that the task will have with this tracker and choose other options: Trackers are used to define issue types. Trac vs. Redmine [closed] Ask Question Asked 8 years, 11 months ago. How to set each tracker Basic attributes. Added by Joseph Mornin over 10 years ago. Three trackers are predefined in Redmine: Bug, Feature, and Support. Best of all, it's free and you can host it on your own server.Some of the features offered by Redmine are:It's easy to use and to keep track of all tasks Tracker settings can be found in Administration → Trackers. You can add or delete trackers there. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. All product defects, features and development tasks are entered in Redmine, categorized, and assigned to developers. 22. Hi, ... We're using Redmine as a project management tool for a research project--especially for writing a white paper and keeping track of use cases--rather than for a software development project. It features per project wikis and forums, time tracking, and flexible, role-based access control. Administration > Trackers. On the other hand, YouTrack provides the following key features:Used by IT team team to track all tickets for all products. I use this to see which version of software had the most amount of bugs, and to make sure newer versions of software do not suffer from regression. Written using the Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database; YouTrack: The issue tracker designed for agile software teams.A project management tool that can be … I've read the "issues" section in the guide, but it leaves the "target version" field blank, with no other commentary.We're using Redmine as a project management tool for a research project--especially for writing a white paper and keeping track of use cases--rather than for a software development project. To get access to it you have to call redmine.tracker where redmine is a configured redmine object. When I get a chance, I'll edit the Redmine guide wiki to be more clear on this.I'm confused about the difference between the "category" and "target version" attributes on an issue. Is there an example somewhere showing how to properly define these fields? All code releases are tracked along with the corresponding tickets within this system.Our team has been using Redmine as our project management tools as well as bug tracking system at the very beginning.

Redmine: A flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework.Redmine is a flexible project management web application.

See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object. Redmine is a free and open source, web-based project management and issue tracking tool.It allows users to manage multiple projects and associated subprojects. Manager¶. As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. Can anybody explain how to use these fields in our context?Just some thoughts, I hope they help. Workflow setting includes Status transitions tab and Field permissions tab.. To edit Status transition permissions, choose a Role (you can select all roles or specific roles) and a Tracker, and then click Edit to modify it. Viewed 47k times 53.