The story opens with the news that Tomey's Turl, a slave on the McCaslin plantation, has run away. The most prominent character and unifying voice is that of Isaac McCaslin, "Uncle Ike", who will live to be an old man; "uncle to half a county and father to no one." She refuses to take it immediately, and remarks that Roth has abandoned her. So Moses went to Egypt land (Let my people go) Lucas discovers a gold coin on the land and becomes convinced of a large hidden treasure. Sam now tends the hunting camp of Major de Spain and McCaslin Edmonds.Isaac and Boon go into Memphis to buy whisky for the men, and the next day, they go after the bear again. He breaks the cell up a good deal. 福克纳创作于1942年的小说,由七个相关联的部分组成,故事发生在约克纳帕塔法县。讲述的是美国南方庄园主麦卡斯林与女奴生有一女,后又与这个女儿生下一子泰瑞乐,泰瑞乐后来娶了另一位庄园主布钱普的女奴谭尼,其子嗣都以布钱普为姓氏。

Roth gives him an envelope full of cash and mentions that a messenger might show up during the day. Buddy arrives and coaxes Beauchamp into another poker game. Mollie Beauchamp (Lucas' wife) has had a premonition of harm involving her long-lost grandson, Samuel.

He digs his wife's grave at great speed, and the visitors at the funeral wonder why he is digging his wife into the ground so quickly. Many years later (around 1941) Lucas Beauchamp, the son of Tomey's Turl and Tennie, lives and works on the McCaslin plantation, now owned by Carothers "Roth" Edmonds, the grandson of Carothers McCaslin "Cass" Edmonds (Isaac and Lucas' elder cousin). Lucas returns to the plantation and cons a salesman out of a metal detector to search for the treasure he adamantly believes exists. Ike, ashamed of acting as a go-between in such a sordid matter, informs her that Roth has left and tries to thrust the money on her.

Sam leads Isaac to a clearing; they hear Walter Ewell's horn, and Isaac assumes the buck has been killed. 行け、モーセ(モーゼ)

If Buck loses, he is to marry Sophonsiba and must agree to buy the slave girl Tennie so Turl will stop running away to see her. かつてイスラエルがエジプトの地にあったとき 激しく虐げられ 抵抗できなかった.

During the night, the old man thinks about his bygone life and about how he and the wilderness are dying together.The action shifts to Jefferson, the Yoknapatawpha county seat. Isaac continues to hunt and to spend all the time he can in the woods.As Isaac grows older, he becomes an expert hunter and woodsman, and continues going with the hunting parties every year. Ike is to hand over the money and “tell her I said ‘No.’”Later that morning a boat arrives. She begs Stevens to discover his whereabouts and condition. Ike contemptuously asks how she could have expected anything different from him.Faulkner's technique in Go Down, Moses is to present stories whose full significance in the overall history of his characters is not apparent until later in the book. 作者:William Faulkner 出版社:Vintage International 出版时间:1942-00-00 印刷时间:1990-00-00 页数:368 ,购买Go Down, Moses等外文旧书相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网

"Was" serves to introduce the reader into the practices and mentality of the antebellum South. Tomey's Turl is Carothers McCaslin's son, Buck and Buddy's half-brother.

The group becomes increasingly preoccupied with hunting Old Ben, a monstrous, almost immortal bear that wreaks havoc throughout the forest. That night, Rider believes he sees his wife's ghost. "Cass" lives with his grand-uncles Theophilus and Amodeus McCaslin, called "Uncle Buck" and "Uncle Buddy" respectively by most of the characters in the book. Go Down, Moses is a collection of seven related pieces of short fiction by American author William Faulkner, sometimes considered a novel. When Hubert and Buck are taking bets on where Tomey's Turl will show up, the reader further sees how far removed from human the slaves are in the eyes of the owners.

But then a giant buck comes down the slope toward them and looks at them with gravity and dignity. Old Ben seizes Lion and begins shredding his stomach with its claws. 福克纳出版地美国语言英语出版商兰登书屋(美国)出版日期1942年媒介印刷(精装书)页数383页OCLC21562002杜威分类法813/.54 20LC分类法PS3511.A86 G58 1990上一部作品村子下一部作品 When Israel was in Egypt's land: Let my people go, Oppress'd so hard they could not stand, Let my People go.

They spend a great deal of time hammering out the stakes, but in the end, Beauchamp folds, and Buddy wins the game. Sam calls it "grandfather."