Helm charts are packages for docker-images or kubernate clusers or what?Thanks for contributing an answer to Server Fault!Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. This manager simplifies the mass adoption of microservices so you can use several mini services instead of monolithic application. The main aim of this project is to offer better ways of managing services or components of an application across varied infrastructures. This manager can be easily stored on disk and fetched via chart repositories such as RedHat packages and Debian.Although containers provide many advantages, they also offer a host of new complexities. Docker Compose Versions. We would like to expand our Kubernetes clusters over other Kubernetes engine.It's the glue that holds our container management together, allowing things to scale when and where we need them.Service discovery, auto-recovery, scaling and orchestration are just a few of the features you get.Good existential question. There are two levels of Docker support you can add to a project, and the supported options vary by the type of project and the version of Visual Studio.

It only takes a minute to sign up.First focus on the important stuff: docker and for smaller projects docker-compose. Helm is the best way to find, share, and use software built for Kubernetes; Kompose: Go from Docker-Compose to Kubernetes with a simple tool. We have lots of other ideas for helping to simplify the developer experience of working with Kubernetes too, without losing any of the power of the platform. Docker gives developers the ability to focus on writing code without having to worry about the system the application will be running on.Initially developed by Google, Kubernetes is an open-source system used for managing containerized applications in different environments. Using docker-compose, we can orchestrate several containers at once.Since our production deployment makes use of the Convox platform, we use this to describe the containers to be deployed via Convox to AWS ECS.Kubernetes is used for managing microclusters within our AWS infrastructure. You can work with a container for a single project, or use container orchestration with Docker Compose, Service Fabric, or Kubernetes to work with multiple services in containers.When you add or enable Docker support, Visual Studio adds the following to the project:With Service Fabric tools in Visual Studio, you can develop and debug for Azure Service Fabric, run and debug locally, and deploy to Azure.Visual Studio 2019 supports developing containerized microservices using Windows containers and Service Fabric orchestration.If you are using a version of Visual Studio 2017 prior to 15.8, or you are using the .NET Framework project template (not .NET Core), when you add Docker support, orchestration support using Docker Compose is added automatically. This means that the Docker server is responsible for all container-related actions. If you understand docker well, then getting an understanding of kubernetes and helm will be easier. Docker Compose - Define and run multi-container applications with Docker. This allows us to deploy new infrastructure in seconds.Our developer experience system is on Kubernetes (Google Kubernetes Engine at the moment). Containerization refers to the bundling of an application along with the libraries, dependencies and configuration files it needs to run it efficiently across multiple computing environments.The need to not only create containers but better manage them has become important. To manage containers we use kubernates. This container engine was developed on Dotcloud. Next, we will discuss three of the currently popular container and container management technologies. When you want to compose a multi-container solution using Docker Compose, add container orchestration support to your projects.