In your case, denote is the word typically used in math/science to describe the symbol associated with something, (see sense 3); thus distinguishing it from represent, which is employed for diagrams and such. Whereas denote refers to the literal, primary meaning of something, connote refers to other characteristics suggested or implied by that thing.

またOxford Dictionary of English (2th)ではdenoteとconnoteの用法の違いについても言及していました。 “Connote does not mean the same as denote. To make overt. denote .

To refer to literally; to convey meaning. 1903, "How to indicate an engine" in The Star Improved Steam Engine Indicator, p.64: To a person who is familiar with the use of an indicator, whether it be of one make or another, it is needless to give instructions as to how an engine should be indicated, . English. is that denote is to indicate; to mark while annotate is to add annotation.

representとexpressの違いですが、 representは、(代表として)表現することです。 expressは、自分の感情や考えを言葉で表現することです。

imply(論理的帰結だが明示はしない), indicate(自分の主張を理解させる), suggest, reveal(公に発表する), show(わりとなんでも使える), demonstrate(例をしめす、実演する), signify, connote, denote, involve,siganal: 十分な "Pre-" denotes … Verb (denot) To indicate; to mark. これもどちらも強制的な、強制された、必須のといった意味ですが少しニュアンスが違います。主な違いはmandatoryは法律、ルール、約束などによって強制される性質のものです。一方のcompulsoryは必要だからそうしないといけないといった意味での強制です。 : 彼のほほ笑みは彼が同意していることを意味していた。 ・The sample space, which is usually denoted by S, is an exhaustive list of all the possible outcomes of an experiment. ・Green areas on the map denote forests. In thinking that the words should be interchangeable, you might be … It only takes a minute to sign up. : その地図で緑色のところは森を意味します。 ・His smile denoted that he agreed. denote, express, formulate, stand for 用例 1-1 ) In the well-known right hand rule , the thumb , first and second fingers are used to represent the terms in a vector cross-product. またOxford Dictionary of English (2th)ではdenoteとconnoteの用法の違いについても言及していました。訳語だと似たような意味でも、実際は少し違ったニュアンスを持つというのはよくあることだと思います(meetとseeなど)。このようなニュアンスをつかむのは正直私たちのような、“学習者”にとっては大変なことだと感じているのと同時に、このような細かな違いを明確に説明してくれている辞書のすばらしさに改めて感動しました。[ko-chi @ Calgary]research writing and form という授業で読んだ記事から単語を拾い上げます。denoteです。授業中はmean, stand for という意味であるとの説明をいただきました。念のため辞書の定義を確認していきます。“Connote does not mean the same as denote.

Denote - verb (used with object)1.To serve to express, designate, stand for, or denote, as a word, symbol, or the like does; symbolize: In this painting the cat represents evil and the bird, good.Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange!The meaning of both the words seem similar to me2.To express or designate by some term, character, symbol, or the be a mark or sign of; indicate: A fever often denotes an infection.To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS be a name or designation for; mean.Represent - verb (used with object)What is the difference between denotation and representation (denote and represent) and their usage? I guess that representation is some what related to represent by a symbol; stand as a symbol for.English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. The tears denoted her true feelings.

The yellow blazes denote the trail. Whereas denote refers to the literal, primary meaning of something, connote refers to other characteristics suggested or implied by that thing. Thus, one might say that a word like mother denotes ‘a woman who is a parent’ but connotes qualities such as protection and affection”A30さんは、はてなブログを使っています。あなたもはてなブログをはじめてみませんか?