The verifier SHALL then wait for the secret to be returned on the primary communication channel.Compromised authenticators include those that have been lost, stolen, or subject to unauthorized duplication. The IAL would remain at IAL1.Session management is preferable over continual presentation of credentials as the poor usability of continual presentation often creates incentives for workarounds such as cached unlocking credentials, negating the freshness of the authentication event.Guidelines and considerations are described from the users’ perspective.To prevent users from needing to reauthenticate due to user inactivity, prompt users in order to trigger activity just before (e.g., 2 minutes) an inactivity timeout would otherwise occur.Temporary secrets SHALL NOT be reused.As discussed above, the threat model being addressed with memorized secret length requirements includes rate-limited online attacks, but not offline attacks. This is particularly applicable on mobile devices.If CSPs process attributes for purposes other than identity proofing, authentication, or attribute assertions (collectively “identity service”), related fraud mitigation, or to comply with law or legal process, CSPs SHALL implement measures to maintain predictability and manageability commensurate with the privacy risk arising from the additional processing. According to password cracking experts, “It is unlikely any other document has been as influential [as past NIST guidelines] in shaping password creation and use policies.”. Replay resistance is in addition to the replay-resistant nature of authenticated protected channel protocols, since the output could be stolen prior to entry into the protected channel. Providing users such features is particularly helpful when the primary and secondary channels are on the same device. These practices represent a reasonable standard and will help you keep confidential information safe and … For example, if a task requires immediate access to an information system, a user may prefer to create a new account and password rather than select an authenticator requiring more steps. This allows users to choose an authenticator based on their context, goals, and tasks (e.g., the frequency and immediacy of the task). The second is a nonce that is either changed each time the authenticator is used or is based on a real-time clock.As threats evolve, authenticators’ capability to resist attacks typically degrades. To protect this data from eavesdropping, it is submitted over an SSL connection. Errata updates can include corrections, clarifications, or other minor changes in the publication that are either editorial or substantive in nature.Users use the authenticator — printed or electronic — to look up the appropriate secret(s) needed to respond to a verifier’s prompt. While unsalted hashes, especially ones using MD5 and SHA1, are NOT a secure way to store passwords, in this case that isn’t their purpose – SSL is securing the transmitted content, not the hashes. This prevents users being faced with multiple similarly and ambiguously named cryptographic keys. The CSP MAY set a time limit after which a suspended authenticator can no longer be reactivated.The CSP SHALL require subscribers to surrender or prove destruction of any physical authenticator containing attribute certificates signed by the CSP as soon as practical after expiration or receipt of a renewed authenticator.Verifiers SHOULD permit claimants to use “paste” functionality when entering a memorized secret.