Sub-power of Oneiromancy.

This Virtual Dream Event was closed on July 15, 2020.

Becoming aware of this power, however, and using it consciously is where our real healing creative power lies. J.D., your post isn’t merely timely, it’s powerful. And Scripture cannot be broken.” It is our prophesied destiny to eventually wake up and consciously realize our God-given superhero power. When we are having a self-validating experience such as this, no one can talk us out of our conviction that we are seeing clearly—as our conclusion of seeing “reality” is based on our direct experience—we have all the data we need to convince ourselves of the rightness of our point of view.

The user is capable of perceiving future events in dreams. e power to perceive future events while in a dream state. As if making a magical elixir, there is a way of combining two of our intrinsic faculties - our unconscious dreaming/imaginative powers and the ability of our conscious mind to reflect upon these creative powers. Whatever point of view we are holding within the dream—which is a projection of our mind—is instantaneously, in no time at all, faster than we can think or blink, reflected back to us through the configuration of the seemingly externalized forms of the dream.

Our night dreams are potentially revealing to us, via the hidden, almost invisible projective dynamics by which they are constructed, what I call “our sacred power of dreaming.” This is truly a “sacred” power, in that it doesn’t come from us, but from a power beyond—and greater than—ourselves (by whatever name we choose to call it). Breathe them.
Live them.

So then, let’s suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream, and that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream …

The idea is that our sleeping dreams are, both literally and symbolically, showing us night after night—if we look at them in the right way—the very solution to our myriad world crises.

Reflecting our viewpoint, the dream offers us all the evidence we need to make us think that whatever we are seeing in the dream is objectively happening, thereby confirming “the truth” of our viewpoint. Do it in spite of problems, circumstances, and obstacles. In so doing, it uses its profound creative potency against itself, entrancing—and casting a binding spell—upon itself.Our world seems to be descending into utter chaos, as if the mass psychosis that has afflicted our species is ever-deepening, wreaking more and more havoc all over the world. Whatever attitude and viewpoint we are holding in a dream is instantaneously mirrored back to us by the dream, as the dream itself is nothing other than a reflection of the very consciousness that is observing it. Through self-reflecting (i.e., reflecting upon itself and its creations), the mind processes information, thereby potentially gaining insight into the internal dynamics of the mental projections that are shaping our moment-to-moment experience. Variation of Dream Manipulation. I keep wondering, what can we—any of us—do? Thank you for your interest in this event. We then struggle with trying to break out of our internal prison, forgetting that we ourselves have created what visionary William Blake calls “mind-forg’d manacles.” It is as if we are disoriented and deranged magicians who have unconsciously created a world that is destroying us, all the while thinking that we are just encountering—and being victimized by—an objective reality that we cannot change.
One idea, like a recurring dream, keeps on insistently knocking at the door of my consciousness again and again. This is an endlessly self-generating and self-reinforcing timeless feedback loop whose source is our own mind. Copyright © 2020 Awaken in the DreamIn our sacred power of dreaming we have been granted a practically God-like creative power. Opposite to Retrocognitive Dreaming.