I find the zap/internal/color can display different color for string, But I want to change the log level with different color.. In development, thelogger then panics.

In order to get full test coverage of the application you need to test the application with a logged-in user as well. You can create multiple users if your application exposes different functionality based on user roles. The returned Field will safelyand explicitly represent `nil` when appropriate.Uint constructs a field with the given key and value.Complex64s constructs a field that carries a slice of complex numbers.Info logs a message at InfoLevel. Optionally, the 'maxChildren' parameter can be set to limit the number of children scanned, the 'recurse' parameter can be used to prevent the spider from seeding recursively, the parameter 'contextName' can be used to constrain the scan to a Context and the parameter 'subtreeOnly' allows to restrict the spider under a site's subtree (using the specified 'url').Gets the URLs accessed through/by ZAP, optionally filtering by (base) URL.Enables all passive scanners with the given IDs (comma separated list of IDs)Adds a regex of URLs that should be excluded from the spider scans.List included regexs for contextZAP APIs provide access to most of the core features of ZAP such as the active scanner and spider.

You can define as many scan policies as you like and select the most appropriate one when you start the scan via the Active Scan.Renames the session of the given site.Removes a context in the current sessionPassive scanning can also be used to automatically add tags and raise alerts for potential issues.

To verify the authentication status, ZAP supports logged in/out regexes. Therefore, add the following regex(s) to the "Exclude from Context" tab.Shows the parameters for the specified site, or for all sites if the site is not specifiedUnsets the active session of the given site.Returns the HTTP messages, in HAR format, that match the given regular expression in the URL optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages.Returns the HTTP messages, in HAR format, that match the given regular expression in the header(s) optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages.Sets the maximum number of alert instances to include in a report.

Since zap alreadyhandles caller annotations, timestamps, etc., it automatically disables thestandard library's annotations and prefixing.AddStacktrace configures the Logger to record a stack trace for all messages ator above a given level.Int16 constructs a field with the given key and value.Reflect constructs a field with the given key and an arbitrary object. The following are some of the options available for authentication with ZAP.Loads the session with the given name. Authentication , session and User management using ZAP.

Allows to modify the value, if enabled or if a regex.