It’s also important to remember that 2 or more male Killies can be aggressive towards each other. Problem G: School of Killifish. Notes *Killifish is the name for various small fish which inhabit fresh and brackish waters. So killifish being mostly freshwater fish, are comfortable with other freshwater fish with similar temperament and sizes.There is no doubt that killifish are some of the brightest and most colorful fish on the planet. Therefore they outlive annual killifish by 3 to 4 years. This is big enough for them to grow on but still small enough to be able to monitor the fry.

They are the following: Thus, it is recommended to feed them live and frozen food only.Females, on the other hand, are particularly timid and do not exhibit any sort of aggressive behavior towards other fish. Jon thinks that the place of a school should be the safest place in a pond for children. The eggs of these fish are fairly small, but when the adults are conditioned well they will be laid in profusion. Killifish will be comfortable with both options assuming you have a large tank.Moreover, perfect tank mates for killifish include different species of tetras such as rummy nose tetras, cardinal tetras, and neon tetras to name a few. This means that they should be kept in a group to ensure their health and well being.
Another benefit of having females is that they yield more fish through reproduction, which is usually why most people buy killifish in the first place.But one thing that all killies have in common are dorsal and anal fins. Killifish will be comfortable with both options assuming you have a large tank.Moreover, perfect tank mates for killifish include different species of tetras such as rummy nose tetras, cardinal tetras, and neon tetras to name a few.

A mix of these fish will do quite well in a community environment.Knowing what water conditions killifish demand can help you in more than one way.
Even though they are not as bright and colorful as male fish, they will behave well with others. Not only will this allow you to place them with more compatible fish, but will guarantee that your killifish live a healthier life.Though male killies will sometimes become territorial and start to defend their space. Fish are social creatures that either choose to swim in a school or stick alone. In a tank, these fish can live for 2 years at most, however, the fry of annual killies do reach sexual maturity much faster.Due to their calm nature, these fish can easily be placed with fish of the same size and water preference. These decorations will give your killies a place to hide.Fish are social creatures that either choose to swim in a school or stick alone. I hatch eggs in small plastic containers made from a clear Tupperware type plastic, around 100 x 50 x 75mm (sold for craft purposes in stores such as The Range). This is the ideal species for the newcomer to killifish. A mix of these fish will do quite well in a community environment.Knowing what water conditions killifish demand can help you in more than one way.

So in a tank, non-annual fish can live up to around 5 years of age.However, one great advantage of having these fish is that they are quite hardy. However, appearance pertains not only to the patterns and shades of the fish but to their overall shape as well.Firstly, make sure that the other tank mates are not too big. In the past it was common practice to use some pre-soaked Irish moss peat as a substrate for killifish, but if your water is pH 7 or below the peat could make your water too acid over time. Most species of killifish are slim in shape because of which they are able to swim easily in rivers.Killifish are particularly known for rejecting flakes and processed foods, even though some people find it hard to get their fish to eat them. The relatively small amount of water will slowly evaporate within a fish room, so topping it up with similar water is required. Yet, there are some things you must ensure before you mix killies with other fish.Killifish are small fish, with most of them being between 1 to 4 inches in size. Any that is not eaten will die fairly quickly and foul the water. There is always some debate among killifish-keepers as to the best way to store eggs. The most basic parameters which include water temperature, pH and hardness are slightly more important and should be matched as closely as possible.